Using Word Online

Using Microsoft Word Online

If you prefer to work in Word Online, you will need to download a copy of your document to turn it on Canvas. 

1. Click on the name of the file ① to rename it. It will likely be automatically named something like "Document" or "Document1" as seen below.

2. Type the new name in the File Name field. Choose a name that makes sense for the assignment ②, like WW1 or Weekly Writing 1.

3. Click anywhere in the document area to close the file name menu. The new file name should automatically update/save.

Screenshot of changing the file name of a document on Microsoft Word Online

4. From the document area, click on File to bring up the File menu.

5. Click Save as ③ and then Download a copy

6. A dialog will pop up, click Download a copy.

Screenshot of downloading a copy of a Microsoft Word Online file

7. The file will save to wherever downloads automatically save on your computer (typically, your Downloads folder).

8. Go to the assignment in Canvas and upload the file.