Introduction Assignment

I want to get to know each of you individually this semester. While I tend to remember faces and the things students tell me about themselves, I struggle with names. This introduction is a way to help me be able to learn your names, or more specifically, connect your face to your name.


For this assignment, you will upload/create a photo or video of you and also share something about yourself. You can share an interesting fact, a boring fact, something about why you are at Macomb, or anything else you want. 

There are several options for submitting this assignment listed below. For all submissions, double-check that the file was submitted before exiting the assignment. 

Submitting the Assignment

You can submit this assignment in any of the following ways:

Option 1: Use File Upload to upload/take a photo

Option 2: Use the Text Entry area to upload or take a photo

Option 3: Record a Short Video 

Option 4: Upload Word Document

Note: If you use Word Online or Google Docs and need help downloading the file to submit, see the Submitting Word Files page for instructions. 

You can also submit a PowerPoint/Slides, if you'd prefer.