Class Overview

The full syllabus, which includes class meeting times, office hours, and my contact information, can be found on Canvas. 

Course Information

Course Description

The focus of this course is to continue the development of writing skills learned in ENGL 1181 or ENGL 1210. This course places extensive emphasis upon research and documentation. 

Students who have completed ENGL 1220 successfully should NOT take ENGL 1190. Students will NOT receive credit for both.

What to expect...

Course Outcomes

Outcome 1: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to produce a formal research paper that is explanatory, analytical, or persuasive.

Outcome 2: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate skills in applied composition, in applied argument or technical/career writing, or both.

Required Texts

Additional Materials

Submitting Work