Interview &
Interview Transcript

Interview and Interview Transcript Assignment

Length: 1 paragraph explanation + Transcript

Genre: Transcript

Purpose of the interview

The purpose of this interview is to gain more information about the question you are investigating. Since you cannot answer your question by simply observing, you have to do research; this is just another step in the research process.

Who to interview

Preparing for the interview

Types of questions

Explain what you’re doing and invite her/his opinions

“I’m researching the spending habits of people in shopping malls. Do you have any first-hand information about this?”

Ask open-ended questions that will allow your interviewee to tell you a story:

“Tell me about the video games you play.” vs. “Do you prefer State of Emergency 2 or Grand Theft Auto?”

Get more detailed information with “how” and “why” questions

“How does your restaurant advertise itself?” and “Why do you think so many families come to this particular restaurant?

Follow up quantitative questions with requests for more information

“How many people come through your line each day?” and then “Why do you think that is?”

Give them a little bit of your research and ask their opinion

“I read in The Journal of Psychology that older individuals expect to benefit less from physical exercise than younger individuals. What do you think about this assertion?”

Follow-up: “Does this seem accurate?”

When planning your interview, shoot to get good answers to at least 7-8 questions. This means you should have about 10-12 questions prepared (not including follow-up). Remain respectful and professional throughout the interview.

If you need to do a follow-up interview or interview other people, you will have time to do so as long as you start this interviewing process early.

Interview Transcript Assignment Instructions

For the Interview Assignment, you will turn in a transcript of your interview (see below) and a paragraph or two answering the following questions:

Example Assignment

An example interview transcript from a previous student is available in the Project 1 Example Google Drive folder. 

Transcript Sample

Note: “Interviewer” and “Respondent” can be replaced by names


INTERVIEWER: What, again, was the topic assigned?

RESPONDENT: The topic was the bridge industry collaboration meeting. That was an all day meeting and we had about 25 people from industry, academia, state DOTs, (inaudible at 0:25), and Federal Highway people.

INTERVIEWER: What organization was the sponsor?

RESPONDENT: The National Steel Bridge Alliance.

INTERVIEWER: National Steel Bridge Alliance?


INTERVIEWER: Now this, is a meeting you had with them, representatives from that organization?

RESPONDENT: Not necessarily with the National Steel Bridge Alliance, but most of the people who had to do with the steel bridges. In other words state… I mean not all of them but key people in steel bridge industry. I put together the agenda for the whole day.

INTERVIEWER: This, is people from a variety of organizations and agencies. Could you classify this as a partnership?

RESPONDENT: Yes, yes it is a partnership between the government and the industry and the state DOTs.

INTERVIEWER: And the main thing that took place regarding the partnership was a meeting, right?


INTERVIEWER: Was that… and at the meeting what was decided? What kind of ongoing projects?


Important Notes

You will need an interview transcript for each interview that you conduct for your paper if you choose to do more than one, but you will only need to turn in one ahead of time. If you do any additional, they are due with the final paper.

When you write your ethnography, DO NOT copy and paste the transcript into the essay. The transcript is for a record of the interview; in the essay, you will include the information as quotes or dialog.